Beam life
Our BeamLife Insurance financial investment to the Assured person as well as Funeral benefit (condolences) to family members before policy maturity and it is provided in the event of maturity of the contact (survives the policy term) on death of the policy holder during the policy term, death of spouse, and death of children. The Features of Our BeamLife Insurance are a-5-15 years tenure, payment arranged inform of lumpsum or instalment, minimum lumpsum payment of TZS 2,000,000, minimum instalment payment of TZS 5,000, lock period of 3years, investment return of 7% p.a (compound interest) and its payment is made in the means of Salary, Bank order, Mobile phones. The requirement for BeamLife Insurance is based on the age bracket ranging between 18 to 75 and it is targeted and open to all individuals with insurable interest who are capable to purchase the product.